1.Why should apply HACCP?

HACCP is an effective tool to ensure the quality of food hygiene and safety, which actively prevents the risk of contamination during food processing to create safe food.

The demand for quality control of food safety and hygiene is happening on a global scale with the following characteristics:

Management object: Transfer from finished product to production process.

Management: Transfer from inspection to certification.

Management norms: Moving from product quality indicators to conditions and factors affecting the production process.

Management Objective: Moving from discarding damaged products to preventing the risk of errors in product formation.

Meeting the requirements of integration and import market requirements: The World Trade Organization (WTO) requires member countries to adopt the HACCP system as a means of food safety control. The European Union, the United States, and many other countries that want to import to these countries must apply HACCP.

2.What is the HACCP standard?

HACCP is an acronym for Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point, meaning “Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point”, or system for analyzing, identifying and controlling hazards. Weak in the process of food production and processing. ”
HACCP is a quality management system based on the analysis of hazards and critical control points. It is an analytical tool to ensure food hygiene and safety.
HACCP includes a systematic assessment of all the steps involved in food processing and identifies key steps for food safety. This tool allows concentration of technical and professional resources on the processing steps that have a decisive influence on the safety of food quality.

3.Who should apply HACCP?

– In some countries around the world, HACCP is mandatory for all food business enterprises.

– In Vietnam, HACCP is mandatory for all high risk business enterprises.

(1) meat, (2) milk and dairy products, (3) eggs and egg products, (4) processed and fresh seafood (5) ice cream, (6) drinking water, (7) functional foods, food supplements, (8) additives, (9) instant foods, From soybeans, (10) frozen foods.

– This is a compulsory standard, focusing on quality control of food safety and hygiene.

– When the organization develops and meets the HACCP standard, the enterprise will have a quality management system that can create products that ensure food hygiene and safety and quality services to satisfy Customer demand.

– This is also a prerequisite for export oriented businesses.


– Create prerequisites for export into international markets.

– The quality of products and services is stable.

– Create competitive advantage, enhance the brand.

– Saving costs, increasing sales and profits.

– Liberate the job of centralized leadership. Help leaders spend more time focusing on implementing macro strategy.

– Systematic activities, people unite, work in a comfortable environment.

– Raise the trust of customers and the image of the company.

– Meet the legal requirements on food hygiene and safety.

– And many other benefits …

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