Category Archives: Good Agricultural Production


 GLOBAL G.A.P (Global Good Agricultural Practices) is the standard of food safety throughout A to Z of the production line, from the preparation of the farm, nursing to the sewing. Harvesting, processing and storage. (Include production-related factors such as the environment, drugs, chemicals used, packaging, and even the working conditions and well-being of farm workers). […]


VietGAP stands for Vietnamese Good Agricultural Practices, which means Good Agricultural Practices in Vietnam. This is a set of criteria issued by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development for each product, group of fishery products, cultivation and husbandry guides producers to apply this standard to ensure: Technical Production techniques; Food safety; Traceability of products; […]


Organic agricultural production is produced under the principles defined in international standards IFOAM (International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements: aims to ensure ecosystem crops, livestock, produce quality products with user safety and provide economic efficiency, maintain and improve soil fertility. It is the method to cultivate vegetables and fruits, produce food without using any […]